However, I had no idea how much I didn’t know. Learning about holistic health and nutrition has opened my eyes.
There is a better way to live.
As a result of applying what I've learned, I have lost 20lbs, significantly lowered my heart rate, ditched my facial medications, and felt a noticeable increase in energy.
My experience has been great, and I want others to feel the same and better... but here's my big why...
I'm sick and tired of seeing people sick and tired. I have too many dear family members and friends who have suffered and/or died from degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, and the like.
People are living too short and dying too long.
I am convinced that all of us are designed to live with health, energy, and strength to the very end of our days.
I want to see lives change, and people experience life to the fullest, the way we are MADE to.